Online Exam Software

100% custom built web based online Exam Management System

Online Examination has pioneered in building custom test assessment software for schools, teachers, students & coaching institutes. Our online test management software offers most powerful user friendly computer based education software for educators at a very affordable price. You can purchase the license with the or you can opt to pay a fixed monthly fees that varies with number of exams you take & number of students that take the exams. Find out more about the costs World's most customizable online learning management system

Examination Online was designed with only a single driving idea in mind - Make it easy, make it fast and make it highly customizable to suite our customers' requirements.

Our initiative required us to be seamless and structured in delivery, while at the same time we had to be flexible in our offering to our clients. We smoothly integrated our fluid management system with our base software so that we could deliver the final product exactly like you want it, and at the price you want it to be.

Each organization can use among the following that will best meet their objectives:

  • Security
  • Project Management
  • Question Development
  • Question Banking
  • Job Analysis
  • Standard Setting and Validation